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Cybersecurity Lecture Series with Ted Claypoole

Cybersecurity Lecture Series by IISP

The Cybersecurity Lecture Series at Georgia Tech is a free, one-hour lecture from a thought leader who is advancing the field of information security and privacy. Invited speakers include executives and researchers from Fortune 500 companies, federal intelligence agencies, start-ups and incubators, as well as Georgia Tech faculty and students presenting their research. Lectures are open to all -- students, faculty, industry, government, or simply the curious.


On Friday, March 16 guest speaker Ted Claypoole, partner at Womble Bond Dickinson LLP law firm in Atlanta, will present information about GDPR -- General Data Protection Regulations that go into effect May 25 and impact U.S. customer data.

U.S./EU fights over new customer privacy regulations (General Data Protection Regulation, or “GDPR”) will headline a multi-front culture war between openness and control, individual rights and state power, and individual rights and corporate power. Although borne out of Europe, the global players impacted by this fight include Russia, China, ICANN and the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, and Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft.


Ted Claypoole, is a partner at Womble Bond Dickinson LLP law firm in Atlanta. Ted is a cyber enthusiast. His passion for all things digital helps him stay on the cutting edge of trends and regulations, benefiting his clients’ businesses and bottom lines. Clients call on Ted to help manage, protect and profit from information, and his practice spans all sectors of the information economy. He helps companies design data analytics strategies and comply with relevant laws and contracts. Privacy and cybersecurity are the starting points for client advice on data collected through transactions, online interactions or even the Internet of Things, with an emphasis on payments and financial activity.
